
viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

Cherry Fairy Minialbum

Good morning friends!!!!

Have you seen the new FRUITY DIVAS SET, the new expansion pack for the Scrapfactory????

Aren´t they a cuttie???

In this new expansion pack, you get 

7 Hairstyles
7 New Outfits
7 Shoe Accessories

For this week project I used the mix and match feature of the Scrapfactory and made a lovely Cherry Fairy Minialbum for a babygirl.

To make the minialbum I used Wings 4 of the FAIRIES expansion pack and cut it in the middle with the knife tool of the Silhouette Studio Software.

For the inside pages of the minialbum, I just used the shade of the wings.

To make the Cherry Fairy, I mix/match Fruity Divas and Fairies expansion pack:
I used open toes body, Cherry hair style and Cherry outfit from the Fruity Divas; and Wings 2 of the Fairies set.

Thanks for stopping by!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Monica, this is so pretty. Love how you mixed the both Expansion Packs and used the wings to create the album! Great project!!

    DT Leader and Facebook ADMIN for ScrappyDew.com
