
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Tea Party Box

A new Friday, a new project using ScrappyDew cutting files.

Today I want to show a Tea Box I made using "Tea Party" cutting files, having in mind the quote 

"Come and share a pot of tea.
My house is warm
and my friendship is free"

This cutting files are so cute.

Two good friends having a good chat.

Enjoying a cup of tea

The file is so detail that it includes the tiny tea pot, cups and even the little muffins.

Inside the box you find it full of different kinds of tea bags.

Remember you can find this beautiful cutting file at

Have a bless weekend!!!

5 comentarios:

  1. Demasiado lindo, es una idea muy diferente, felicidades!!

  2. Monica esta muy bella ...pero necesito saber donde comprar esas bellezas

  3. Monica, this is so beautiful! This file is perfect for the Tea Box project. Wonderful job on this.

    DT Leader and Facebook ADMIN for ScrappyDew.com

  4. me encanto Moni... estas hecha una artista ;)

  5. Siempre me fascinan tus trabajos, Monica, los cortes que eliges, las combinaciones de colores, la disposicion de los elementos, todo me encanta!!! Bellisima caja de te ♥
