
jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


For this Quirky Crafts Challenge inspires me a legend of Greek Mythology: The  love of Hades by Persephone.
Hades, God of the Underworld, fell in love with Persephone and decided to kidnap her. The myth says that in one of the rare times he left the Underworld, he traveled above ground to pursue her, while she was gathering flowers in a field.

Persephone’s mother, Demeter, begged her brother Hades to allow Persephone to come back to the livings, denoting that the young Persephone was not supposed to live in the underworld. Hades consulted with Zeus and they both decided to allow Persephone to live on earth for six months each year, while the rest of the time she would be on his side in the Underworld.
Before leaving the underworld, Persephone had been persuaded to eat four seeds of a pomegranate. In ancient mythology, to eat the fruit of one’s captor meant that one would have to return to that captor or country, so Persephone was doomed to return to the underworld for four months of the year. But she was allowed to spend the remaining two-thirds of the year with her Earth Mother, Demeter.
The myth of Hades and Persephone is associated with the coming of Spring and Winter:
When Persephone comes to the Earth, it's springtime. When she descends to Hades, it is winter.

The story was taken from:

Thanks Quirky Crafts!!!!

4 comentarios:

  1. This is lovely, love the colours and the story!! thank you so much for joining Quirky Crafts challenge this time round!!
    ((Lyn)) DT

  2. Bellísimo trabajo, con una historia muy lindamente contada! Genial y suerte! Me encantó!

  3. Hi Moni, thank you for entering the challenge again at Quirky Crafts with this beautiful picture.

    Please come back to Quirky Crafts and email me using the link in the sidebar so I can give you your voucher for Crackerbox Palace for $20 of stamps and your winner's badge. I am waiting.
    Cazzy - on behalf of the Quirky Crafts Challenge Blog DT.

  4. I love the interpretation of our theme, what a fantastic picture. Thanks for joining us at Quirky Crafts challenges this week.
